Who Am I


What Is This All About

Well, there you are! I knew you’d be comin’round nosing in my stuff sooner or later. Welcome…

Like I said before, “I’m a simple man.” (Long awkward silence)

Ok, I’ll fill in the gaps for ya. I don’t interact well with others, in large… alright! or small, social gatherings -that’s part of the problem (who said there was a problem!) That didn't come out right... Let me start over:

I reside miles & miles from civilization. Not for your protection, my own. I have a strict, love your neighbor, but keep them at arm’s length, policy; that’s what the hill and 38 acres here at the Gusty Thicket are for. I take pleasure in my solitude. I do feel a bizarre need to mingle at times… not too much! I am a bit of a germ-a-phobe. This blogging thing seemed to be a comfortable place for me to begin. Getting this thing kick-started is the hardest part.

I’m not an expert on much of anything, but I do have an opinion on lots of things. The bad thing about opinions is they’re a lot like butt holes. Everybody’s got one and a lot of them stink, but it is windy here most of the time and I think my distance from the action makes it easier for me to tell it like it is.

Here are some things, maybe you should know about me, before you invest too much time:

I don’t drink or drug myself, so I can assure you, this is as sound minded as I get. I’m not too cultured, uppity, or refined, but don’t find it useful to have a foul mouth (or fingers for that matter). I’m not a writer or a speller, but that won’t stop me from playing one on the internet. I don’t wear sandals, shorts or long hair. Not that I wouldn’t look great in them ladies, just a personal decree. I am married and have a 17 year old daughter who whispers subliminal messages to me about her awesomeness. I witch wells, carve with a chainsaw, cook and consume large quantities of Mexican food, and build something called, Outlaw Furniture. I am over stimulated by caffeine most of the time and am easily amused.

I designed and built our, one of a kind, home. Yes, Really. I swung the big hammer named Lorraine for 10 months. I peeled and stacked logs, pulled wire, set toilets, laid tile, rock, and plank flooring, and bled on several occasions.

Ok, by now you should be getting a blurred picture of me. Like I said, “I’m a simple man.” And this is my simple life & view on things, as told from a windy grove of Aspen, in Wyoming… better known as the Gusty Thicket.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” {Albert Einstein}

Tuesday, February 14, 2012